
Casa’s philosophy is to "contributes to the development of healthy residential environments and rich lifestyles to create a more affluent society." In order to uphold this philosophy, Casa is bringing value to each and every stakeholder and is growing continuously by striving to understand the medium to long-term changes and problems that are occurring in the environment around us, whether that be on this planet, in our local area, or in society.

Improving Customer Satisfaction with High-Quality Services

We are always working towards providing services that will please our customers. In order to satisfy our customers beyond their expectations, we also educate our employees and provide them with training that will improve their knowledge, while also providing services that are customer-oriented.

Contribution to Society

Food banks are establishments that provide children in orphanages and those in need with food that is donated by food manufacturers, farmers and individuals. As a sponsor, Casa has also participated in projects with the Japanese food bank Second Harvest Japan, and has taken part in volunteer activities as a supporter as well.

Initiatives with Industry Groups

In order to ensure that residents have a stable and secure home, we have established a self-regulation system and have been working on flexible activities to support residents, while also upholding our stance of having each member company provide support that caters to residents.

Consultation Service

The consultation service for residents offers consultations for a variety of different matters. Depending on each resident’s situation, the help desk also provides residents with information on various types of public support such as financial aid for food and utility expenses. Additionally, the consultation service for residents also provides support that is tailored to each consultation by offering guidance and help with applying for public assistance and much more.

Donation of Vaccines

We collect used stamps and caps from plastic bottles to donate to the Japan Committee, Vaccines for the World's Children (JCV).

Initiatives Within the Office

We are mindful about our impact on the environment by controlling when the air conditioning is turned on and off inside the office, by automatically turning off the air conditioning outside regular hours, by separating our waste, and by adopting the use of hybrid vehicles.